We remove the nickel and the intermetallic layer of your materials.
We have a new plant where We remove the coating from all kinds of silver materials such as copper alloys, aluminum, nickel iron alloys.
In our process we wash and remove oil and emulsions resulting from stamping processes and we then dry them.
We separate any magnetic material from your scrap metal such as iron.
We provide our customers and suppliers both with metal crates and large containers of up to 25 tons.
We have a laboratory equipped with ovens and spectrometers for analysing all the materials that we work with.
We have a service for the collection and delivery of materials in our customers' and suppliers' companies.
C/ Idiáquez 9, 1º B 20004Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) ESPAÑA + 34 943 311 211 info@ematiena.com
Polígono Industrial Joxe Mari Korta 3 20750 Zumaia (Gipuzkoa) ESPAÑA +34 943 865 120 info@ematiena.com